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May 8, 2012

Food Writing 101 with Nancy Reyes-Lumen the Pinoy Foodie

Only 700 php to learn Food Writing 101 from a well-renowned food writer, critic and television/radio show host Nancy Reyes Lumen!

  • Learn from Nancy Reyes Lumen, well-renowned food writer, critic, radio show host and television show host, The Pinoy Foodie.
    • She was editor-in-chief of COOK magazine and editor of other print publications
    • She is a promoter of native Filipino cuisine which makes her an ambassador in spreading food literacy throughout the Philippine archipelago
    • She co-authored the award0winning "The Adobo Book"
    • She has been a freelance stylist for many cookbooks and a consultant for selected commercial multimedia needs since 1983
  • Enjoy the delectable healthy dishes from Quantum Cafe (see full review)
  • When: May 18, 2012 5-9pm 
  • Price for talk and dinner: 700 php
  • Reservations: 519-0757/09178172206